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compressible effect中文是什么意思

用"compressible effect"造句"compressible effect"怎么读"compressible effect" in a sentence


  • 可压缩效应


  • And the incompressible navier - stokes equations are exactly derived from this incompressible lbgk model , thus the compressible effect due to the density fluctuation is theoretically eliminated
  • According to the mathematic modeling principle of physical problem , the error of lattice boltzmann model is analyzed in chapter 3 . the nonlinear deviation term from the navier - stokes equation is given , and the main model coefficients , such as speed of sound , viscosity and so on , are verified by numerical computation , the results show that the lattice boltzmann method has second order precision in space and in time which satisfy the engineering application , whereas , the compressible effect ca n ' t be neglected along with mach number increasing , and must be reduced or eliminated
    其次,按照物理问题数学建模的原则,对格子法的误差进行了分析,给出了格子bgk方程再现navier - stokes方程时的压缩误差项,并数值验证了格子模型的声速及粘性系数等相关参数的精度,表明格子模型尽管具有时空二阶精度,能满足工程计算的要求,但随着mach数增大,压缩误差逐渐成为主要误差,必须予以消除。
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